Now, on to the goods. I am a seasonal "cash register girl" at our wonderful Teavana store. I get to work with a couple of my closest friends, so I've dubbed us the Teavana Dream Team and we are legit to say the least. Although my first love will ALWAYS be coffee, these people have convinced me over the past couple years that tea can be pretty dang great. Here are some of the things I have been loving and that you should go out and grab asap.

As Cash Register Girl I am supposed to say "Your total investment in health and happiness today is only..." and while I could've been a punk about it I decided just to embrace it and start doing this right from the beginning. I've been made fun of a couple times, but it's all good and pretty entertaining to watch customers roll their eyes at me. It's all in the holiday spirit, guys.
Hope everyone is watching plenty of classic Christmas movies, listening to Delilah play Christmas music on the radio 24/7 and bein cozy.
p.s. I helped today with a group of women at church who are throwing a Christmas Cookie Party for single-parent families in the area and my part was to bake 6 dozen cookies. It was fun, but I would be happy to not look at another cookie or brownie for a good month or so...