If I were to show you a snapshot of me over the past two hours, you would see me sitting in the middle of my floor surrounded by and struggling with wires galore and mason jars. I want to hang mason jar lighting from my ceiling, but after exploring the option of lightbulbs, I decided to go for a more electricity-bill-friendly idea, filling the jars with anything from candles to the beautiful dried bouquet i saved from my best friend's wedding. But that result seems far off at this point - although I have finished wiring my jars, I now have to install the ceiling hooks *cue ominous, dread-inspiring music*. I can't wait to show you guys the final effect, but until then here are some variations of what I'd like to end up with: 

an inspiring lighting display found by apartment therapy at (where else?) anthropologie
i hope all of you had a relaxing weekend! now bring on that manic monday...
i want to see YOUR diy project!! did you get them hung in your house yet? photos, please! love love love this idea.